Banners & Posters

If you’re thinking of promotion, think banners & posters. Banners and posters are the “easy-does-it” products of marketing. They are portable, affordable, and simple to install – affix posters to walls, and hang banners from ceilings and across openings. Available in a wide array of sizes, banners, and posters are a promotion’s best friend.

Banners & Posters

Whether you have a short-lived promotion or a branding campaign with a long shelf life, banners and posters are an excellent way to get the word out. Their mobility and versatility make them a convenient solution to display inside or outside, horizontally or vertically. When you think “Grand Opening”, “Sale!”, “Anniversary Event” or other marketing-worthy promotion, make sure banners and posters are on your “To Do” list!

Affordable advertising

Banners and posters are a cost-effective way to promote your business or event.

Wide Reach

Banners and posters can be displayed in high-traffic areas, increasing your message's visibility to a larger audience.

Versatile and customizable

Banners and posters come in a variety of sizes and materials, and can be customized to fit your unique needs.

Eye Catching

Banners and posters can feature bold graphics and messaging, making them a visually striking way to capture people's attention.

Make a Statement with Stunning Banners and Posters from Ocala Promotional Products

There are a variety of materials to choose from, each with their own advantages. Vinyl is durable and weather-resistant, making it a popular choice for outdoor banners. Mesh banners are ideal for high-wind areas, while fabric banners provide a softer, more elegant look. For posters, paper and cardstock are common options, but you can also choose synthetic materials for increased durability.

To create an effective design, consider your target audience and the message you want to convey. Use bold graphics and clear messaging to capture people’s attention, and make sure your branding is prominently displayed. Use high-quality images and readable fonts, and limit your text to the most important information. Finally, choose colors that complement your brand and stand out from the background.

There are a variety of ways to hang or display banners and posters, depending on the size and material. For banners, you can use grommets to attach it to a wall or fence, or use a banner stand for freestanding displays. For posters, you can use frames, adhesive strips, or hangers to display them on walls or windows. Make sure to choose a display method that is appropriate for the size and weight of your banner or poster.


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