PPE, Shields, Masks & Gloves

It has nothing to do with being modest and everything to do with being safe. Wearing personal protective equipment such as shields, masks and gloves promotes a healthier business environment and gives your employees and customers peace-of-mind.


It’s hard to predict when public health challenges might arise, but it’s easy to be prepared. PIP is your go-to resource for all manner of PPE such as shields, masks, gloves and more. We recommend taking stock of your supplies at the end of each quarter to ensure you’re geared up for the next season. Place your order with PIP to stay out in front.

Protects Against Infection

They are essential in preventing the transmission of airborne or droplet-spread diseases, especially in situations where social distancing is not possible.

Compliance with Regulations

In many industries, PPE products are required by law to be worn in certain situations to ensure worker safety. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in fines, lawsuits, and other legal consequences.

Increases Worker Safety

This can include protecting against chemical or biological exposure, falls, cuts, and more.

Boosts Consumer Confidence

In businesses that require close contact with customers or clients, such as healthcare, hospitality, or retail, the use of PPE products can help to boost consumer confidence. By demonstrating that safety and hygiene are a top priority, businesses can create a safer and more comfortable environment for their customers.

Stay Safe with Custom PPE, Shields, Masks, and Gloves - Order Today at Ocala Promotional Products

There are a variety of PPE products available, including masks, gloves, face shields, gowns, and more. The specific types of PPE products you need will depend on your industry and the level of protection required for your workers.

PPE products need to meet specific safety standards set by organizations such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). These standards can vary depending on the specific type of PPE product and its intended use.

To ensure that the PPE products you purchase are effective, it’s important to purchase them from a reputable source that can provide product specifications, safety data sheets, and other information. Additionally, it’s important to ensure that the products are being used correctly and that workers are trained on proper use and disposal of PPE products.


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